Tuesday, May 19, 2009


This is embarrassing but my sister is getting tired of my story board posts and wants a real story. Here is a story. Those who are a little more sensitive can skip this post all together.

Tonight I was in reading to Sierra about rocks. She is obsessed. She was getting more and more hyper with every turn of the page. How a three year old gets hyper from reading a book about rocks is beyond me. "Mom," she would say, "Wow look at that beautiful rock it looks just like grapes." Every rock looked like something and she wanted me to read every word. She became more and more hyper. Her favorite of course was when we found the picture of a diamond. She loves diamonds. Imagine, not just a rock but a sparkling beautiful white rock. She likes diamonds not because they are expensive, but merely because they are beautiful rocks. Anyway, at the height of her hyperness, she dives under the covers and starts laughing, and this awful noise comes out from the covers. Then she immediately pops her head up laughing. She was followed by a green cloud of sulfuric gas (not really but you get my point). She says, "Mom, I dived under the covers so you wouldn't smell my poops." I said, "If you didn't want me to smell them, you needed to stay under the covers a little bit longer." Wow, she can pack some heat.

1 comment:

Paul and Em said...

I love the title....nothing to hide!