Monday, December 31, 2018


Colt came over and did Chemistry with Madison one afternoon. They both had a really good time. I heard a lot of laughing. Afterward, Madison said, "Colt was really confident but I don't think he knew what he was doing." She let him take charge anyway. A couple of their experiments went awry but she never took over. Her chemistry kits comes with enough chemical to do each experiment twice. She redid the ones that went awry the next day. They turned out well, she giggled. She loves Colt. We need to invite him back over. He definitely was a lot more fun to do chemistry with than mom. I follow the instructions. He says, "Madison, let's add a little more of this." She giggles. 

Our big purchase for Christmas was a microscope. Madison and her Dad were looking at his blood and identifying the different parts of his blood. He was showing her white blood cells and red blood cells and other cells contained in blood. It was really fascinating. She loves science. 

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