Tuesday, June 7, 2022


I can't believe this is the only picture I got of girl's camp. I did take a lot of film and I will compile it into a video some day. I was invited up to girl's camp about a week and half before it was scheduled. They needed someone to cook for the girls and the lot fell to me. It was the hardest I have worked, and the longest hours I have worked in a very long time. It was exhausting. However, the spirit was so strong and I knew I was where the Lord wanted me to be. I could barely contain the tears from flowing down my cheeks as I listened to the girls sing. Their voices would lift over the hill and flood the campsite. Tears would roll down my cheeks or a know would catch in my throat as I finished washing dishes from the evening's meal. Also, I felt the spirit visiting with Sister Yeager while we hiked. She would lose her son just a month later in a motorcycle accident. Also, I the spirit was present as I watched Kaylee Weber evolve over the week. She started the week with her hoody down over her face and her earbuds in and ended it fully participating. It filled my soul to watch her as the spirit changed her energy, her     countenance, and her joy. 

Despite the exhaustion serving the girls was one of the choicest experiences of my life. I especially enjoyed being with Sierra who spent the whole time near my side serving me. Kaitlin Gladden was melting near the end of the week. I encouraged Sierra to wash her feet with the other girls. She was the only one that was willing to lead out. She ended up washing her feet alone. Tears streamed down Kaitlin's face. I know it touched Sierra deeply. 

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