Thursday, June 13, 2013


 Sierra is such an amazing big sister. I try not to take advantage of how amazing she is, but she is. I haven't been able to sleep for two weeks. I wake up multiple time in the night to check on my kids and make sure they are okay. I finally have all three children sleeping through the night and I can't. The irony. Monday and Tuesday I got up at 5:30 to go work out and the combination of not sleeping and working out has killed me. Sierra woke up at 5:30 yesterday and begged to come exercise. We hiked Dinosaur hill twice. When I got back home I was spent. It was 7:30. James had just woken up. I feed him and changed his diaper and asked Sierra to watch him while I laid down for an hour. I handed him to her and heard her playing with him in the living room. When he fussed she put in his crib for a nap. Madison was still asleep. I got an hour and a half nap. I was grateful. It made all the difference. I love that Sierra was so willing to help out and so sweet with little James. She is a great sister.

One of the outtake from the flyer shoot that I love. I may use it for Face book.

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