Thursday, December 21, 2017


I was so excited to hear Sierra's band concert. She has been practicing so hard. She has become really good at playing the flute. I encouraged Nate to come to the concert. He is very noise sensitive but I insisted she has improved so much I am sure the concert will be good. It was bad. Nate was dying. Sierra's improvement didn't equal overall band improvement. However, it was fun to see her in her element. She loves band. It has been a bit disappointing to change band directors this year. She really likes her new band director but says he has a very difficult time controlling the classroom. She says it is pretty chaotic. She wanted to play the piccolo. She asked her band teacher if she could and he said she could if she would take private lessons. I told her that we would pay for private lessons. She hasn't moved forward with it. We will see. 

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