Thursday, February 20, 2020


   Logan doesn't say "outside" he says "side." He wasn't to go "side" all day long. It is warming up enough that it is almost possible. He loves to say shirt too but he can't pronounce his "r" so... don't try it. He has the best smile and fills our little McKnight world with so much joy. 

This little Ashton has a shiner. His sister was running from him last night and shut the door into his face. Sigh. I may have lost my mind. One of his little Asian eyes are even more squinty today. He has been playing with this super hero action figure all morning. 

He is growing and learning and he is suppose to go to Kindergarten next year but I don't think I am going to send him. I just don't have the heart. All of my kid's personalities change so much when they go to school. They become insecure and shy and I hate it. They are brave and confident when they leave but school has a way of wiping that away and making them relearn it. I know they can and it gives them bit a of grit to learn how, but I will keep you as you are Aston Maxwell for a minute longer. 

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