Sunday, March 29, 2020


We drove to Utah again for James' vision therapy. I haven't blogged about anything for so long it feels hard to know where to start but maybe I will just write of yesterday. 
We left on Friday. Logan, James and I and drove to Provo. James has a great vision therapist and he is suppose to go see him every other week. It has been hard to drive to Utah every other week but it has also been fun to spend more time in the temple and more time with our family.
We broke our "shelter in place" order in Colorado to make the trip. We felt it really is so necessary for him. He won't be able to read like his peers until he does therapy for a year. He is working hard but his eyes get tired very quickly and it not possible to push him harder than he is able. So, we are muddling through 1st grade as we try to repair his vision. It is hard and it is exhausting, but I am so grateful that we have figured out why he has struggled so much, when he is so bright. I am grateful that he tries so hard. I am grateful he complains very little. I am sure I complain more than him. I am grateful that he sees this thorn in the flesh as an obstacle to be overcome. 

He enjoyed swinging with his favorite cousins. Derrick is one of the best fathers ever. He spent time pushing them outside.

I guess it would be odd if I didn't mention COVID-19. We are on our third week of having church at home. We are on day four of sheltering in place in Colorado. We are in our second week of Nate's practice being shut down. We are doing well. We are grateful and humble that the Lord has blessed us immensely over the last few years and has given us prophets and apostles to warn us about these eventualities as we are living in the last days. We are grateful that the Lord has buffeted some of our stupid decisions and has blessed us more than we are worthy. 

Today especially, our thoughts are drawn out to others who are truly suffering. Others who will be less able to pick up the pieces and build again, but will be truly devastated by this virus. Others who don't have a church family and a strong extended family to lean on when things become uncertain. I am grateful for a prophet who called up on the entire global community to have a global fast. I know that there is nothing that will help you forget your own struggles and think of the struggles of others than depriving yourself of food and water for 24 hours. It is a humbling experience.  My heart has been drawn out in prayer for my brother and sisters who live in India and Italy and all over the world.  Who may truly go hungry and not just for 24 hours because they chose to.  My brothers and sisters that are truly suffering. I pray for them today. May our Heavenly Father see fit to answer our pleadings, according to his will and in his time. 
In Jesus' name, amen.

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