Thursday, November 13, 2008


Sierra is hilarioius. I have stopped eating cereal for breakfast because milk is something Madison can't tolerate, so I have been eating a lot of eggs and toast. Sierra asked to join me a few mornings ago. She ate the white part of the egg and gagged down the yellow part. The next time I made eggs she asked if she could just have the white part not the yellow. I usually don't give into special requests for food but this one is amusing to me so I have made her white only eggs for a few mornings now. Feels like a waste when I discard the yellow part, so if you have a suggestions for the use of just the yolk of an egg, post a comment.


Anonymous said...

Lisa the yokes can be used in german chocolate cake frosting.

Anonymous said...

Wow Sierra, that's a big mouthful! I'm glad you like egg whites.