Saturday, March 3, 2012


Seven years ago we bought a computer so I could finish my degree and keep in touch with my family, when we moved away to graduate school. This week it died a horrible death. Maybe it was the trillions of raw images on the computer, or the fact that we never installed protective software on it but either way after a month of trying to revive and consorting with numerous friends we let him rest-in-peace. Although the expense of a new computer was hard to swallow, I am so happy with my new friend.

Today we went to the Montrose Fly Fishing Expo. I have been to a number of these in our married life. The first one we went to was in Pittsburgh. I will never forget it. Santa Claus was there. I am not kidding you. Santa Claus was there. No, it wasn't Christmas time. He was wearing fishing garb. Sierra pointed to him and said, "There is Santa." I have never in my life seen a more perfect Santa. He had soft blonde white curly hair all over his head and a soft blonde white beard and mustache. His hair was so soft and so beautiful all you wanted to do was reach out and touch it. He had rosey red cheeks and a welcoming smile. He had blue twinkly eyes. He was just the right amount of fat. I wanted to be a kid again and climb up into his lap and tell him all my wishes.

He laughed when I mentioned to him that Sierra thought he was Santa. He said, "I get that all the time." I am sure he does because he was the real Santa. He waved at Sierra and she shied behind my legs. I wish I had of had a camera that day. I didn't forget my camera today.

Although nothing as exciting as the real Santa was on the camera today, I did get a few fun images. Sierra entering a fly casting contest. Madison tying her first fly. Both girls collecting numerous fish cards, which are like baseball cards except they have fish on them with fish stats on the back, and they will never be worth anything.

Nate bought Sierra some cheap feathers and such so she could tie her own flies. She has his old vise and has been happily tying since we walked through the door.

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