Wednesday, October 22, 2014


I guess if someone was to ask me what is the most beautiful pictures you have ever seen, this would be it. I love this picture. I love this moment. I love everything about who we were in this moment. We were both so pure and had spent years sacrificing to become the person we needed each other to be. Nate at this point had only kissed a handful of girls and I had only kissed a handful of boys but both of us were a hundred percent committed to enter marriage covenants pure and virtuous, so we could always know that we shared that most sacred part of ourselves, only with each other and only after we had covenanted to love each other for all eternity. It truly was the best gift he has ever given me and after giving me four of the most beautiful children I have ever set eyes on and almost eleven years of hard work and devotion to provide for all (almost) six of us, I can still say his virtue was and is the greatest gift he has ever given me. It has been an anchor in the most difficult times of our marriage. The fact that we were so devoted to each other even before we met and made sacrifices for each other even before we exchanged our first words has laid the foundation for everything we have done after marriage.

I love you Nate for everything you were and are and will be. I hope you have an amazing 37th year. I pray life gets easier for you. You work amazingly long hours and then go out to work on our home. I admire your stamina and dedication. You are willing to sacrifice for me, you proved that then and you prove that every day now, and because of that I know we will succeed. We will make it, together we will make it through everything this world throws at us, because we have each other. I love you Nate.

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