Friday, August 18, 2017


 One of our big purchases this summer was a play set for the yard. Trying to put it together, cause a disturbance in our marriage. Have you ever put a play set like this together? I kept reminding Nate that you only get one of these in your lifetime and that he would never have to build one again. It took us three days to put it together. There is still a screw missing. We never found it. I am so glad we bought it. 

We have three sewage pits in our yard. I have been working on getting our septic system taken care of all summer. The cost has been out of control. We haven't wanted to settle on a bid to get it taken care of. The mosquitoes are out of control because of all the water, or nasty poop water sources on our property. We have had to face the question once again, "Did we make the right decision buying this piece of property?"

Anyway the play set has kept the boys from wandering to the sewage pits. They have played all summer happily in one corner of the yard and to my mother heart that has been a real blessing.

There are some days I want to photograph everything about my children. It is my way of keeping them in a jar and never letting them grow up. I tell them all time, I am going to put you in a jar and keep you little forever and never let you grow up. I kept asking them if I could take a picture of their little hands because someday they would be big like their fathers and I wanted to see their little hands. 

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