Sunday, October 21, 2018


I spent the weekend with my in-laws. I just needed them. Do you ever feel like you need your parents in some moments and others you need your in-laws? I had that moment. I went to their ward. The lesson in Relief Society was on patience. As women in the room droned on about trying to show patience with their children, I was reflective. I had the pressing thought, what if Chrissy was in this room? What if their is a mother who is in Chrissy's shoes in this room? What wouldn't they give to have one more moment with their baby? Patience wouldn't be a question. How small and dumb I felt talking about how hard it was to have patience. I felt the need to raise my hand. I couldn't not. I explained that no one in the room knew me but my nephew passed away the day before. I said, "I believe the greatest patience we will every know in this life is waiting to see our loved ones again." It was too much emotion. The teacher didn't know what to do with it. She glazed over it and moved on. I felt dumb. I picked up Logan, luckily he had pooped his pants. I had an excuse. I left. 

A strange woman followed me out. I tried to brush her aside by explaining, "I am fine. My baby just has a messy diaper." She insisted on talking to me. She lost a child. She wanted me to know a few things that she felt I needed to convey to Chrissy.

She said, "She can be mad. Heavenly Father dosen't care if she hates Him for a while, He knows what it is like to lose a son! Don't tell her it was God's will, that use to make me so mad! Tell her bodies are mortal."

So Chrissy if you ever read this, know that it is okay to be mad. I wouldn't blame you. I have been mad over far, far, far less. Wyatt's body was mortal. He just died and that suck!

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