Thursday, April 2, 2009


Well, Sierra and I went to the Thrift store yesterday. We were browsing for a particular item and we noticed there were no toys in the store. The toys are typically the number one attraction for Sierra. I will typically let her chose one she likes to entertain her through the store while I shop. (We never take the toy home.) I let her chose a few books to take home. I found a cute hat for my sister's baby. Suprisingly, I found a brand new Easter Veggie Tales movie. I was impressed by my finds. While we were at the checkout Sierra said to the cashier, "Hey, where did all the toys go?" She replied, "It is against the law now for thrift stores to carry toys because of all the lead based paint in Chinese produced toys." I told her how sad that was. She mentioned she felt it was particularly sad for there store because they would research the recalls and not put toys out that were on the recall list, but they had to abide the same law as all the other stores. Sad. She asked Sierra if she had seen Barbie Island Pricesses. I said that she owns and loves the movie. Her daughter is starting to out grow Barbie. She brought the monkey to give away. The monkey is a charicter on the movie. Sierra was thrilled and loves her new toy. It talks and gives kisses. Madison won't stop smiling and laughing every time Sierra shows it to her. I think its a little scarey looking. Despite mixed reviews on the appearance of the monkey, we all feel it was a really kind gesture from a complete stranger.

1 comment:

DJ said...

It's stories like this that allow me to believe there are still good people in the world. AND I can't think of a more deserving little girl to be the recipient of such a kind gesture. Thank you for sharing.