Thursday, November 19, 2009


I made cauliflower soup for dinner. I thought it was amazing. Sierra took one big bit and proclaimed loudly, "yuck, " and pulled a really silly face. I puckered my lower lip and gave her a look that said you hurt my feelings. She rubbed my arm and said, "That's okay mom. This is just a yucky dinner but you will get better at it. The next dinner will be a good one." I thought the soup was to die for. I could have licked the bowl. If you dare to try the recipe and if your family is into cauliflower, here it is.


Joy said...

Ok, when Jackson lets me eat creamy again I am totally making this. I LOVE the Pioneer Woman! I am sure I will get the same reaction from Andrew as you did from Sierra. What is it with kids and really good food. They just don't get it.

Caroline Craven said...

why is it that when kids are brutally honest, it is just cute or funny, but if an adult is brutally honest, it hurts. I remember once when I had purchased a new pair of pants, I asked Regan and Nicki if they made my butt look to big. Their answer was funny, but if Kent would have said it I would have cried. They said, "Mom, big butts are in fashion now".

Lisa said...

I don't know why it is... but truer words were never spoken. Kids can get away with a lot more than adults.