Wednesday, June 13, 2012


 I had the rare opportunity to go up to Logan, Utah and hang out with some of my cousins that I haven't seen since we were kids. As we drove into to Cache Valley I tried to remember when the last time I drove there and it had to have been when I was a teenager. I use to drive up with my Aunt Jeannie and we would spend a few weeks in the summer out at her farm. Those were the days.

Best parts of the trip....
Aunt Caroline making us dinner and breakfast. She is a fabulous cook.
Watching Sierra race Aunt Caroline's dog Ringo down the stairs.
Watching Shasta, another dog, sleep on the end of Sierra's sleeping bag.
Watching my girls enjoy the bouncy house and the slide.
Talking to my cousins that I haven't seen in ages.
Holding one of my cousin Charity's twin baby boys.
Watching my Uncle David take Sierra on a motorcycle ride. (He had plenty of neices and nephews and children and grandbabies. It was really sweet that he played with her.)
Riding all the way their and back with my Mom and Dad and youngest sisters.
Stopping off for a fresh Strawberry Freeze.
Watching Finian's Rainbow on the drive.
Seeing the new Brigham City Temple.

 Cheesing in the car.
 Riding the inflatable slide. Love Kimberly's face. Love that my mother went down it a few times.

 Cousin Paul.
 Madison's platypus face. Tamara taking her for a ride.

 Brian looking at Kimberly's amazing artwork.
 My Uncle David's daughter Jennifer. She was so sweet to everyone there. Sorry, I caught her husband with his tongue out.
 Watching the rocket launcher. Love Grandpa's face.
 Madison sure loves her grandpa.
 Love the attitude sis.
 My cousin Jessica's youngest daughter. Isn't her hair amazing?
Out for a ride through the canyon. Grandpa, Uncle Mark, Aunt Ruth. Some of Uncle Mark's and Uncle Alma's kids.

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