Tuesday, May 2, 2017


 Nate spent all weekend trying to convince me to move. Our house is too small, our property needs more work done to it than I can reasonably do, we are going to have to put too much money into it to get it to where it needs it to be. It will be easier and cheaper in the long run to just upgrade. He has pushed me to move to Delta or Glennwood Springs or one of the smaller towns surrounding those too very small towns. It has given me restless leg syndrome like you wouldn't believe. I have been looking at this house for some time. I have often thought it looks simpler, and more manageable, than our current project. We went to look at it yesterday. The whole time Nate was telling the realtor, we are going to do it. When we got done and were in the car, I reminded Nate that all the construction around here is done very sloppy. The cabinets were the cheapest they could be, all the showers and tubs were set ins and the sheet rock and mud job was sloppy. The shop on the property has no electricity. Although it sounds nice to have more space at what cost. We could take out a loan for 250,000 and build the house we want and stay here. If we can handle our small space, we can pay it off. Then we could build in cash, doesn't that sound glorious? Anyway, the minute we got home he went back out to fixing the irrigation. I don't know if he surrendered because he sees things my way or if he just sees that his wife is more stubborn. He is a good man to allow my dreams to melt with his. 
 These boys were fishing over the banister with my tape measure.
My favorite wall! My babies. The greatest thing I have ever accomplished, giving them life.
 This kid was giggling so hard. He stole my phone to play Starfall and I needed it to call an engineer to design a new leech field system. He thought he was hilarious. Sierra was around, so she took a few pictures. He is growing up so fast. I can hardly handle it. He is my baby. 

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