Friday, November 30, 2012


 Well, it has been just us for a very long time.
For three years Sierra has been in school and Madison has been my bestest little friend.
In six and a half weeks it won't be just us anymore.
I am very excited and a little sad.

 I have been washing clothes and getting the room ready for the little ones arrival.
It has made it real.
As I looked at all these tiny clothes I was overwhelmed with gratitude.
Gratitude for the generosity of friends, who have more than supplied me with enough clothes for the first year of this little guys life.
Gratitude for this little life we will be welcoming into our family very soon.
Oh, how blessed we are.
How blessed I feel to be his mother.
How anxious I am to look into his eyes for the first time and hold him in my arms. 

She and her daddy have set aside Thursday night to study the gospel together, so she will be ready to get baptised.
It was so beautiful to listen to them discussing the gospel and reading the scriptures together.
I was overwhelmed with a feeling of love for him and her and the goodness of their lives.
She was so excited to learn from her daddy.
He was excited to teach her.
She has worked so hard this week on studying her spelling words.
She begged me to quiz her one more time before she left for school.
She kept getting 100 percent but she still wanted to practice one more time.
It was a rough list.
All the words made the long e sound, even though they were all spelt very different.
It is so confusing and I wonder why they make those lists so hard.
I am so proud that she works so hard.
I am grateful to be a mother.
I just kept thinking that over and over as I was vacuuming, sweeping and scrubbing my house yesterday.
I know they are very simple tasks and most of the world can't appreciate how important they are.
However, I can.
I love being a mother.

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