Saturday, December 1, 2012


 Tonight was the night of the ward Christmas party.
Just like it years past it was fun.
I was so surprised that my girls climbed up on Santa's lap and chatted with him for quite a while.
I guess Sierra told him all she wanted was clay that never dries out.

We spent the morning teaching Brother Bob how to make cinnamon rolls.
Sister Joann, his wife, taught me how to embroider on the edge of pillow cases.
We had a nice morning.
As we left Brother Bob gave my girls this ornament for our tree.
I giggled so hard when I saw it hanging on my tree.
I had to take a picture.
My siblings will all get a giggle at it too.
Here is the story.....
My Aunt made ornaments for my mother.
She was into painting and making porcelain dolls.
She would make the heads and then put a ruffled collar around the neck.
Then she would hang a string from its head.
We had several on our tree.
There just was something so Marie Antoinette about it.
I told my mother, "There is nothing Christmas about a bunch of de-capitated dolls staring at you from the Christmas tree. It is absolutely creepy."
I took the heads and hid them.
My mother was upset and told me to give them back because her sister had made them for her.
I would inevitable give them back.
Every year they came out of the Christmas box and got hung on the tree again.
Every year they would have to disappear at least for a little while.
One year they were gone altogether.
I am not sure what happened to them.
Guess what......
Now I have my very own HEAD.
Headless Santa.
Who thinks of these things?

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