Monday, November 4, 2013


 I LOVE Sundays.
For some reason every Saturday night I determine I am not going to church I have a million excuses, but for some blessed reason even though Saturday nights are hard Sunday mornings are always easy. Before I know it, we are all ready and heading out the door again.
I got stopped in the hall and I was asked to teach music in primary.
I ran and put a few things together and did it.
I am the eternal last minute substitute.
I have become really good at winging it.
I love those primary kids.
I miss them desperately.
I loved singing with them.
I felt the spirit of my Father-in-Heaven fill the room.
I know the kids did too.
I got to tell them about the spirit and how it works through music and they felt it.

He is the messiest eater on the planet.
Even when I spoon feed him, he spits the food out and then puts it back in his mouth.
He wants to feed himself.
He wants to feel his food before he eats it.
It is messy.
We take a lot of baths.
 Love this girl she is such a happy child.

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