Friday, January 2, 2015


 She finally got to play with her Christmas present.
She hasn't been interested in taking it back.
It was missing pieces when we opened it.
Today we took it back.
She has done nothing but strum on it all evening.
I told her if I get her lessons she isn't allowed to join a rock band or play rock music.
She said, "Then why did you buy me an electric guitar?"
I told her, "I didn't buy you an electric guitar sweet girlie that was your father."
She is excited to learn how to really play it.
 Madison was playing with her bug again all morning.
Maybe these daddy gifts are a good thing he makes them get outside my box.
We took the tree down today!
Let 2015 begin.
I have to say Sierra will grow up being quite the eclectic individual if she sticks with the electric guitar and continues with 4H and raises pigs.
Hilarious, what a life!
You go girl.

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