Wednesday, January 21, 2015


I love my little James.
He turned two on Sunday.
I was talking to my friends weeks earlier and they asked what I was most worried about in the coming weeks.
I said, "I know it is silly but James's Birthday."
I usually am in charge of birthdays.
I hadn't had energy or motivation to do anything.
My friend Lori said, "I love making cakes let me make him a cake."
Then as the day drew nearer she said, "Do you believe in recycled gifts?"
I told her I loved recycled gifts.
She said she was getting rid of some toys her kids had out grown and she would wrap them and bring them over.
Then she asked if she could make dinner. She made the most incredible dinner.
Alfredo, garlic bread, and salad.
The portions were massive.
The food was delicious.
She gave James the most perfect gifts.
He loved them all.
Especially the puzzles she gave him.

 I once again under estimated my husband.
I mentioned James birthday.
He bought balloons, streamers, and other party paraphernalia.
He bought a cake mix and candles.
He made James an amazing cake.
He bought him one present, pictured above.
James loved it.
He played with it all day.
So, we had two great parties for our sweet James.
James is at my favorite age.
He is full of personality.
He loves to say things are hot.
He has a great imagination.
He would cook for me all day long and he will say, "Hot. Hot. Hot," as he hands me a pretend cookie or a soup he has made.
He uses the word caca a lot. He thinks it means gross.
He also loves all potty words.
He is afraid of the vacuum, the wheat grinder and the wind that blows under the door of our basement apartment.
He has the cutest giggle.
He loves his daddy more than anything and gets so excited when he comes home.
The only child that we have had that runs to his father when he walks in the door.
Nate loves it.
Nate is the only one that can get his son to bed at night.
He loves his daddy.

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