Thursday, January 1, 2015


 Lily invited us over for a new year celebration!
She loved on this little boy and gave me a much needed break.
I don't think he is feeling well.
He has been so whiney.
Dinner was fabulous, complete with Prime Rib.
There were amazing salads and fruit.
The girls didn't want to leave.
They were having so much fun with Lily's nieces and nephews and the Hancey's children.
They played some rounds of minute to win it.
Thanks Lily for being a sweet hostess and loving us.

 Earlier in the evening Sierra was giggling like crazy because she was making bum prints in the snow.
I loved capturing her laughter.
It reminded me of my new years resolution.
To hug and cuddle my children more.
Especially her.
I don't.
It makes me sad that I don't, but I always justify that I am not a hugger.
I hug and cuddle the youngest, but as my kids get older I just stop.
I realized yesterday after trying to give her a hug after not doing it for so long, it was awkward for her and me.
Feeling that awkwardness, renewed my dedication to change.
I have to change.
It is my only goal for the new year, that is it.
I set a lot of goals last year and did none of them.
This year my only goal is to hug my children more.
I can change for my children.
They need to be hugged and told they are loved every day.
I know they do.
I have to do it.
I have been praying to love my children more.
I know that I was inspired.
There will be less yelling and less disrespect and more laughter, if I hug them more.
There will be more love at home, if I hug them more.
I want to hug them when they are mad, or sad, or happy, or hurt.
I want to hug them if they are naughty or good.
I know it will be hard but it will pay great dividends.
Here is to hugging more in the New Year.

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