Wednesday, April 6, 2016


 James wanted to make green cookies yesterday. We whipped up some cookies together. I have felt behind since I got back from St. George. Between, taxes, bills, cleaning out the car, tending the garden, and cleaning the house, catching up on the laundry, and getting back into the routine of school after a long break, I have been exhausted. Oh, and James has had an ear infection and hasn't slept. I didn't want to make cookies but I felt like I need to take a minute and be present with my boys. What are these green cookies? Chocolate chip cookies, minus the chips but plus a package of pistachio pudding. He liked them. They were more green before we cooked them. He was so excited because he thought that if we made cookies grandpa would show up. He has been mad ever since we made the trip to Utah and didn't get to see his grandpa.

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