Wednesday, April 6, 2016


We headed home on Saturday. It was a long visit. We were grateful to be headed home and I am certain the Walters were grateful to finally have a little less chaos. We got to listen to Conference on the way home. I love Conference weekend. I loved listening to all the speakers. This was my favorite talk this weekend. I thank thee, oh God, for my Prophet.
Well the highlights of my trip to St. George are as follows in order of favor.
1. Spending time with my sister Michelle in the St. George temple. I was trying to remember if we have ever done a session in the temple together. I don't know that we have. We have been to weddings together but to actually go and sit by her in the temple and be with her, I don't think I have ever had such an experience. It was truly special. (We ran into Brother and Sister Vicki Hill while we were there. It was great to catch up with them.)
2. Spending time with Michelle on the roof at Harmon's eating soup and salad and just feeling the warm sun.
3. Shopping with Michelle at Ross. I bought myself some new shirts and a pair of pants that feel like you are slipping into butter. Soft and comfortable.
4. Staying up late to watch Age of Adeline. The show was edited, so I can't recommend it, but it was really good edited. I thought it was going to end crappy, but it ended wonderfully.
5. The miracle of the duck: While we were out shopping, James got a hold of Emma's duck and imposed irreparable harm upon it. It was barely alive and the children were calling frantically about it. Michelle asked her neighbor to go and check on her kids and the duck. (She is an animal lover.) She said she didn't think it was going to survive, but took it to the vet. The vet gave it some vitamins and sugar water and put it aside and said, "I don't think it is going to make it, but let's wait a bit." She ran some errands and came back and the duck was alive. With a little more love the duck was up and walking by the next morning. The duck is still alive. I am sure it was an answer to all those little children's prayers.
6. I got to go and spend time with my cousin Anjanel. (I think this is the first time I have thought about spelling her name and I don't have a clue how you spell it.) She just gave birth to a baby girl. She was a few days home from the hospital. I have a million cousins I never see, so to visit her at such an important time in their life was priceless. Anjanel, has always been such an amazing example of bedrock strength. She is true to what she knows. She doesn't waver. She is always happy. Her smile lights up the room. She has such a beautiful family and a beautiful home.
7. Teasing Claire and Lydia in my witches voice. I am certain they now both think I am a witch but they were so cute. I cackled that now that I was in charge we were going to go to the store an buy up all the ice cream and make sundae's and put whipping cream and banana's on them. Then we were going to put a cherry on top. We were going to throw all rules out the window and eat sugar all day. Claire said, "No you can't throw the sugar out the window. My mom will be mad!" Lydia said, "You are scaring me Aunt Lisa. We can't eat sugar all day my dad and mom will be mad."
8.Reading to Tessie and Claire one of my favorite books, the Secret Garden and reading Tyler, Robin Hood.
9. Having Madison ask if she could sleep with me one night even though it was still an option to go and sleep with her cousin. She just needed her mom for a minute.
10. Watching Madison and Tessie whispering together and Emma and Sierra laughing out loud together.
11. Watching Grace, and how sweet she was to James while they were in the pool together. She was sweet with my boys, on multiple occasions. It was tender to watch her.

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