Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Yesterday I was going to clean the TLL. The timing was perfect because CC's best friend Jennifer went with us and they could play while I cleaned. I gathered together some cleaning supplies, the diaper bag, my purse, and a bag full of books I needed to return to the public library. I got Jennifer and CC in the kitchen and got them a drink to take. Finally, I buckled MJ into her car seat. She hates her car seat. She started screaming. With my arms completely full, I headed for the door. Then Daddy decided to chase the girls. They scattered and started to giggle. In the commotion CC misplaced her drink. I said, "I am leaving ladies." We headed to the elevator. CC realized, "I don't have my drink." She started whining. Back to the apartment. She and I both looked for it until MJ's screaming hit a max and we had to go. CC fussed about her drink all the way down the elevator. I gathered the girls together to cross the main road. I got to the car, which is parked a half a block away. I was heaving from the weight I was carrying. I set MJ's car seat down to find my keys. Guess what? Can't find them.

I gathered the girls together again. Picked up my four bags and MJ in her car seat. It crossed my mind to tempt fate and leave the heaviest bag, the one filled with books from the library, near the car. I decided the cost, if they were taken, wouldn't be worth it. I got the girls back across the street safely, back into the building, up the elevator, and into the apartment. We ringed the doorbell and Daddy answered. I said, "I can't find my keys." He started laughing. I was too frustrated to laugh. After walking through the house several times I stopped in the living room and heaved a heavy sigh and put my hands into my jacket pocket. Guess what? They were in my pocket the whole time. I hoped Daddy wouldn't notice my blonde moment and just casually said, "Okay girls, lets go." Dad started to laugh again.

I said, "The least you can do is go get the car and bring it around and pick us up, so I don't have to walk clear out there again." He didn't protest he just picked up MJ and the book bag and went down the elevator and brought the car around. When he pulled up and climbed out of the car CC yells, "But mom, where were the keys." I said, "Just get in the car!" Daddy started to laugh uncontrollably and said, "CC they were in her pocket the whole time!" I guess the secret was out. I just started to laugh and then playfully kicked him in the bum. I am grateful for a man that can help me laugh when I am having a rough day.


Heather {Healthy Family Cookin} said...

This sounds SO familiar!!!! I laughed my head off!

rachwheel said...

I relate to this perfectly well. Three is a huge handful to try to juggle. This is my life about ninety percent of the time because of how young and close together they are. I guess looking back, we will laugh at those moments. But it's frustrating in the moment. Ahh the life of a Mommy!