Friday, August 12, 2011


I think children should play in mud.
They should be covered in it from head to toe.
Sierra took these little boys over to her favorite spot today.
We have been babysitting them for parts of the last two days.
She showed them how to smear mud up and down their arms and all over their legs.
She caught them bugs that hang out by the irrigation ditch.
She showed them how to make mud pies.
Brother Bob was concerned about MJ.
She doesn't like to participate in the same sort of play that her sister does.
Sometimes she gets anxious at the farm and won't let me put her down.
He built her a little Noah's arc set out of wood and hand painted the pieces.
She was so happy.
She spent at least a half hour sitting at this picnic table with her play pieces, arranging them and making up conversations.

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