Wednesday, August 31, 2011


The world turns and children grow up. I am seeing my babies turn into little girls. Look at my MJ. She is riding on the stroller the way Sierra used to when she was born. MJ is as old as Sierra was when MJ was born. She is growing up. (Sniff. Sniff.) My friend let me borrow her baby today. I need a little boy. I keep saying it. Isn't he the cutest thing?

Him and MJ were talking on the way to pick up Sierra from school. This is how the conversation went....

MJ: My daddy is going to take me on a boat in the black water and paddle, paddle, paddle.
Kale: My daddy.
Kale: My daddy.
MJ: NO, MY DADDY (Yelling)

MJ: I am going to sing a song. I am going to sing my song, Twinkle little star.
MJ starts to sing.
Kale starts to sing.

MJ gasps. (He wouldn't dare sing my song.)
Kale starts to giggle.

He really is the cutest boy.

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