Tuesday, August 16, 2011


CC and I have been reading the book the secret garden together.
I have never read the book before, but I have seen the movie. I  thought it would be a good book for us to read together.
She has loved every word of it. She always begs for another chapter. I usually give in.
We have been reading two chapters a night.
Last night, she wanted me to read a third chapter. (My voice had given out from doing all the character voices and I couldn't read another word.) She begged me to finish it tomorrow.
I said, "The whole book."
She said, "Yes, the whole book."
I told her we would see. We are only half way through. I was certain she would forget it about by morning.
She did.
She is playing with her little sister. They have played so cute this morning together. I haven't dared disrupt them and push them out door to run our errands, so I am just sitting here watching them play.

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