Wednesday, October 2, 2013


 We went to the thrift store today and spent seven dollars. The girls bought books.
The boys whined, but that is typical of boys when girls are shopping.
The shared angry bird crackers.
We walked down main street and took a few picture of this little girl.
Her mother says she doesn't have many pictures of her on her wall.
To tell you the truth I don't have many posed pictures of Madison either.
I took of few of Lucy and a few of Madison.
They are both adorable.
(I swear men who are bald look older than men with hair. Babies that are bald look younger than babies with hair. James's friend is only a month and a half older than him but you could mistake him for a toddler, okay he almost is one, but James is a baby... even though he is almost a toddler too. BUT, don't worry folks this little man isn't getting hair for a really long time. You might see the beginnings of hair at two. The same goes for all my babies.)


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