Sunday, April 20, 2014


 I have felt likes such a neglectful mother lately.
I have been so busy.
Everything has fallen through the cracks.
I made a 10:00pm Easter Run last night.
This morning we dyed eggs.
I let the girls dye while I made rolls, pies and cut a salad.
YOU should see my kitchen right now.
We were going to dinner at the Bob and JoAnn's home.
I hurried and got them ready.
James was super fussy all morning.
I put him down for a nap and realized it was 10:40, church starts at 11:00.
I grabbed some clothes and threw them on.
I asked Sierra to wipe up this mess.
Then she stained her new cream sweater with dye.
I couldn't get it off.
While I was trying to get the dye out of her sweater, I burned the banana cream pie filling.
I was frazzled.
She had to change into a t-shirt.
We will get Easter outfit pictures next week.
We were late for church.
I was snappy.
I am sad.
I know that outfits, eggs, candy and yummy dinners are all really fun but not at all the purpose in celebrating this amazing holiday.
In all my hustling I lost the meaning and purpose of it all.
I am grateful that because of Him I can do better tomorrow.
I am grateful, in my hardest moments, to know that there was someone who really knows me.
He knows my desires and my heart.
He knows my motives.
He knows ME.
He loves ME.
I don't have words for the sacrifices he paid for me individually, but I am grateful he was willing.
I am grateful for new days.
HOPE and COURAGE to begin again.
I am grateful for a husband that let me take a nap while he went and had and Easter egg hunt with these two.
He was so sweet to let me have it.

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