Friday, June 20, 2014


 This summer has been crazy.
By crazy I mean CRAZY.
First Tamara and Kimberly came to visit.
Then Chris, Nate's best friend.
Then my parents.
Then a trip to Orem.
Then my father-in-law came to visit.
Between all this I have been hauling trash, cleaning, shoveling dead mice and mice poop, pulling more trash and hauling trash out of the crawl space.
On top of all this I am 11 weeks pregnant with our fourth child.
First trimester and I am feeling nasty.
When Nate announced Chris was coming back I just wanted to run away.
Please don't get me wrong, I am so grateful for all the help we have had on our little home.
There is no way, NO WAY, we could be we are without all the help we have received.
We still have a long way to go.
We are grateful for any help anyone is willing to give.
I just needed a week without thinking about the house or company.
I took off to St. George for a week, so my kids could play with there cousins a little more
(They showed up in Orem the day before we had to leave.
My children were begging to see them again.)
And I could have a little break.
Nate encouraged me to go.
He could see I wasn't handling things well.
I have been promising for along time we would make a trip down there.
We haven't been there for four years.
Six hours later we were in St. George with these cutie patooties.
I love this CLARA JANE and her cute brother LEO.
She kept saying, "Bubbee is so beautiful, he is beatuifuller than me."
"I love my Bubbee!"
They have a special bond.
It was so cute to watch.
May James have as cute a relationship with this little one growing inside me.

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