Friday, September 30, 2016


I think one of the hardest things about motherhood is inventing ways for your children to help you, because the little ones always want to help. I started making applesauce this afternoon. The boys insisted. They have been begging to make applesauce since we picked the apples. I quartered the apples with a knife and then gave them to James who was suppose to rinse them and pass them to Ashton who was suppose to place them in the pot. Every few apple slices James would lick one or suck the water off of one. Then he would pass them to Ashton who would take a small bite and then throw it into the pot. Those boys! I tried to teach them about germs and sanitation but in the end I figured we were boiling them anyway. You have fair warning don't eat the applesauce at our house. 

Aren't they the cutest little helpers you have ever seen?

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