Wednesday, September 28, 2016


 I think I have mentioned before how much I love that my girls don't go to school at the same time anymore. I love getting up with Sierra at 6:00 and Madison at 7:00. I love that it is just us for a few minutes. Madison has to have all of her ducks in a row before she can relax in the morning. She has to have her hair done and breakfast eaten and her lunch made. She gets really anxious if I ask her to read a book or have scriptures or prayer before these things are done. 

I have been reading in 3 Nephi lately. 3 Nephi, chapter 4 to be exact. Click here if you want the really good stuff. I was telling Madison about how the Gadianton Robbers were running out of food. 

"They were hunting in the wilderness until they couldn't find any food." 
She said, "Like the Indians?" 
I said, "Yes, these were the Indians." 
Then I asked her, "What do you do when you run out of food and there are no grocery stores to go and buy any and you are a really bad guy. You take food from the good guys. These Gadianton Robbers were bad, so they dressed up in lambs skins dipped in blood. They put these metal plates on their heads. They went to war with the Nephites, who were the good guys. 
She looked at me wide eyed. 
The scriptures said these Gadianton Robbers looked terrible. Not terrible like there hair was out of place, but terrible like horrible monsters.
Do you know what the Nephites did?
She said, "What?"
I said, "They fell to the earth and cried out to their Heavenly Father for help. What should we do when terrible, scary things happen in life?"
She said, "Pray."
I said, "That is right we pray."

Then we had prayer and I gave her a huge hug and she was off.

There were so many other things I wanted to tell her. I want to read her verses 23-28. They are some of my favorites in written scripture. I will save it for another day though because the bus was coming.

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