Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Sierra was invited to her friend Adelee's birthday party yesterday at Chuck-e-Cheese. I wanted to go but didn't know if we should commit because of the obvious. I woke up yesterday and thought I can either clean my home and then wait or go and do something to distract my mind. Need-less-to-say everyone was shocked to see me at te birthday party. (But here I am on day three and still pregnant, so I am glad we went.) Sierra had a blast. Adelee's parents gave each of the kids 20 tokens. Sierra just wanted to ride the carosel. She rode on the horse that you could reach the token slot and held her cup of tokens. When the ride would stop she would put another token in. She had fun on the indoor playground and in the balls. I don't think she has had that much fun in a while. The best part was playing with all her friends. I was really proud of her because I took her to the store before and had her pick out a present for her friend. She found something she really thought she would like and then she was so excited about giving it to her. She even helped her open it but immediately handed it to her. It was something Sierra would have really loved to have kept for herself but she never said anything. She just said, "Adelee is going to love this.

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