Saturday, October 18, 2008


Today was ZooBoo in Pittsburgh. The Zoo holds the event a couple times near Halloween. Venders come out and give away candy, chips, and drinks. Sierra loves it! They don't hand out more treats than she can handle. She just eats one treat and by the time she reaches another vender she is ready for her next treat. This year we were lucky enough to go with friends. Shelly and Hailey came with us. Hailey is is the Lion. They have been some of our dearest friends since coming to Pittsburgh and we are greatful for all times we get to spend with them. Sierra was a princesses fairy for the occasion. She was always flying ten feet in front of me. I think I yelled at her to slow down more than I should have but wow... it is hard keeping up with a three year old when your nine months pregnant. Today, is Madison's due date any bets on how much long she will stay put?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I am sure it will be soon