Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Yesterday morning I put Sierra's hair in pony tails to go to my friend Bethany Wilde's birthday party. I was in a hurry to gather everything together as I headed out the door. My mind must have been on other things. Sierra turned the curling iron up to its highest setting. Yes, I smelt something burning. I didn't know what is was. I just placed the curling iron clap down on Sierra's hair. The curling iron got stuck on her hair. I unclasped it and looked at her hair. There were particles of singed couch stuck all over her pony tail. I looked back at the couch and this is what I saw. Luckily, we only paid 2,000 for this one. Phew. (No really, I told Nate luckily all our furniture is crappy stuff we have bought third hand or has been given to us, so I don't feel bad when stuff like this happens.)

Well, here is the worst of the day. Last night I was so excited about making Nate a delicious meal. I made him this divine sweet pork brisket. I sat the pot on the stove top and was removing chunks of meat from the pot. I grabbed on the handle to steady it and walla. I burnt three fingers on my left hand. (Thankfully my left.) Madison wasn't doing well last night so I was holding her in my left hand. I was bouncing her and singing "Old McDonald." I had my hand in a cup of ice. Fingers spread wide so the cup was dangling but staying where I needed it to. Then I was rolling tortilla's out with my right hand. I was determined this small set back wasn't going ruin my awesome dinner. However, once the brisket and tortillas were done I quit. My hand was hurting. Madison was screaming. Mediocre once again became good enough.


Heather {Healthy Family Cookin} said...

Ouch! That's no fun! I love your tortilla recipe - by the way - in the family recipe book! I use it all the time!! It's AWESOME!

love ya,

Shandra said...

Not cool, Lisa!!! Ouch!!!!!

needtoknow said...

Days like that are no fun.(might want to sew up that hole so it dosent get bigger,:)