1. Never do canning while potty training your daughter.
2. Never go over to a new friends house with your un-potty trained daughter in underwear and help her can. Your daughter may pee down her slide and leave a poo log in her backyard. Well, your's probably wouldn't, but mine did.
3. Your backside will never have a better workout than picking two bushels of tomatoes.
4. Your arms will never have a better workout than canning eleven bottles of tomato soup, yes I said eleven... that is all I have done but it has felt like more. I keep counting but there are just eleven.
5. Your house will never be a bigger mess when you are through.
6. You will feel like you have just bathed in ketchup.
7. You will never be more worn out in your life.
8. You will be more proud of eleven jars of tomato soup than your mother is of her 100 jars of peaches, 100 jars of pears, 50 jars of salsa, 100 jars of apple sauce and 25 jars of grape juice and more freezer jam than you can count.
9. You will wonder if you will ever be as awesome as your mother.
10. You will never have worked so hard nor spent so much time and energy with such a small return.
11. You will secretly love it for some strange reason, maybe you are masochist. Also, the ruby red color and insanely wonderful taste will convince you to do it again, but maybe not until next year.
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