Monday, January 16, 2012


I hate taking pictures of myself. I can't even begin to say how much. I feel like a total goof ball and I crack up when I preview them. I can't imagine what is going through my mind when I pull the faces I do. However, this blog is my blog and least I forget, I guess I must put a picture of myself up every once and a while.

I have submitted one of my children's book to five agents as of this evening. I wish I could post it here. I know you would love it, it's about Christmas. However, I can't... but I promise when it gets published I will blog endlessly about it until you are all sick of it.

I found out who Cristi is. She is my best friend from high school's little sister. I am excited to make the dress for her little girl and for Sierra. I can't wait to get started.

Today, I have been really grateful for my life. Nate and I celebrated our eighth wedding anniversary a few weeks ago and I am grateful for all eight of our years together. They each have been difficult and wonderful for different reasons. I have learned from each. After, eight years of marriage I have learned three things....

-They say, "Don't let the sun go down on a argument." It is a dumb saying. Go to bed and sleep it off and everything will be okay in the morning.

-If you are having a problem in your marriage talk to your Father-in-Heaven more than your friends and family. He will give you better advice and more comfort.

-Don't let anyone tell you that marriage isn't work. Anything worth having requires work to get it and an amazing marriage is no different.

I had a special experience over Christmas break I got to go to my grandparent's house and dust. I know it sounds dumb but it was one of the best moments of my life. I was dusting there living room and watching them. They were holding hands on the couch and resting their heads against each other. I just knew in sixty years I want Nate and I to look just like the two of them. I want us to be that close. I don't care what movies and novels say about what true love is, what my grandparents have, that is true love. The butterflies of youth just aren't as glamorous to me anymore as the rock hard devotion of old age. As I watched my grandparents together, their story became my new favorite love story.

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