Monday, January 30, 2012


Sierra was good to her word. She didn't have a story. She went straight to bed and was asleep by 8:30. I know, I wouldn't have believed if I had not seen.

Meet Wyatt. Isn't he adorable? I wish I had a better picture but I was distracted the day he came over and didn't take a lot of pictures. He was a little shy when he first came over. Shy isn't the right word, overwhelmed. I don't blame him. He was meet with a lot of enthusiasm.

Sierra has wanted to play with cornstarch for a while. I went to my stash and brought some out. I let them play on the back porch. (I love playing with cornstarch and water. It really is so entertaining even for adults.) She said, "Mom, I am so excited we haven't done this in like years." We really haven't done it in a long time.

Wyatt thought it looked really gross and wouldn't touch it but Sierra gently nudged him into it. He had fun. Then they went back to her bedroom and played with all Sierra's art supplies. I may have overheard one of their conversations.

Wyatt: You know what I am scared of most in the whole world?
Sierra: What?
Wyatt: (Whisperings)
Sierra: I am scared of that too.

I just thought it was so cute. I thought... the world would be easier if we could all be as honest and candid with each other as those two little kids were in that moment.

(For inquiring minds. A few of the bantu knots fell out. Then a few others didn't dry. The ones that stayed and dried made most beautiful spiral curls. I didn't take a pictures, sorry.)

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