Saturday, January 7, 2012


MJ and I made tortilla's for lunch. If you would like the recipe click here. It is really messy when I let my little MJ help but she loves it to pieces. She loves to sprinkle flour on the counter, so they won't stick when I roll them out. She loves to hand me the little balls of dough. She loves to watch them puff up. It is a fun activity to do with your kids and you will get something absolutely delicious to eat. This recipe will make 16 tortilla's, so for my family. For a family of four that is typically enough tortilla's for two meals. Enjoy. There are three things I am most passionate about in life and I hope to dedicate more time to each of them on this blog. One modest fashion. Two cooking. Three reading to my girls. Every other week, we go to the library and bring home a huge stack of books. Ever once and a while, we come across ones we love and ones we don't really love. I am going to try and do a children's book review of our most favorite book of the week here. Remember Reading Rainbow? Plantzillia, by Jerdine Nolen I love this book. It is funny and clever and it is especially fun if you read the letter's from the parents in the voice from the babysiter, on the Incredibles. Especially the voice she gets near the end of the movie when she is talking about Jack, Jack. The illustrations are so cute. It would be a great book to read to your kids before they get ready to plant the garden for spring. So, go and pick up this book from your local library today. (Wasn't that last phrase perfect? I sound like I could be on Reading Rainbow.)

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