Wednesday, May 16, 2012


She caught two.
I think they were mating. Yeah, pretty sure.
At least she captured them together.
She was so happy.
She put them in her butterfly net, cage, thing that Nate bought her a few months back.
She carried them around in the house all evening.
She would put her hand in the cage and feel their wings flutter.
She would have Madison do it to. Madison would giggle like crazy.
She accidently let one out. It flew up to the ceiling.
It is still there.
The other one is in the cage, with a few pieces of broken wings.
Sometimes I feel sorry for these little creatures she is constantly loving to death, but I am so glad she loves exploring nature. Touching it. Feeling it. Holding it. Watching it.
And each time a little creature dies she learns to be a little more gentle, maybe that's more important.
And maybe, a Swallow Tail butterfly fufills the measure of it's creation in being loved by a child and making another giggle like crazy.   

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