Friday, May 4, 2012


I and the girls were piled into their bed the other night.
We were reading Junie B. Jones. We love her. She makes us laugh.
Before we began Sierra got upset because her room was a mess. Madison and her friends may have messed it up earlier in the day while she was at school. 
She said, "Mom why do you let Madison's friends come over to play? They could choke my stuffed animals to death and I wouldn't even be there to stop them. Then what? Do you want my stuffed animals to be dead?"
I giggled. (I too believed my dolls and stuffed animals were real at her age. However. I don't think I ever thought about someone choking them to death while I was away.)
She gave me the stink eye.
I said, "Why don't you ask them if they are dead."
She said, "Okay."
Then she took her Unicorn Pillowpet and looked at it right in the eyes and asked, "Did they choke you to death."
I was curled up with Madison and our heads were together and I puppeted, "No, I'm Alive."
Madison and I giggled.
Sierra got serious and said, "Mooooooom!"
I got serious.
She asked the unicorn again.
I puppeted, "I'm Dead." I giggled at how cleaver I was because if the stuffed animal was dead it couldn't speak. Madison giggled at my attempts at three year old humor.
Sierra left the room. Her and unicorn went off for a private conversation.
She came back to say, "Uni said when the kids tried to choke him, he pulled a spider out of his fur and put it on them. Then they let him go. He gave spiders to all the other stuffed animals, so they wouldn't get choked either.
I was still thinking about my cleaver puppeting.
I said, "Sierra, after I get old and die and you try to bury me in the ground I am just going to sit up and scream, "I am alive."
She started giggle and said, "Then I am going to say, "Go put this old lady back in her house!"
Then all three of us burst out laughing.

She got me back for my teasing this morning.
She asked me what a step-mother was.
I explained.
She said, "If I had a step-mother I think I would like her better than you." Then she looked over at me with her sly little grin.
I looked at her.
She said, "I could never love anyone more than you."

(Least I forget my Sweet Heart Madison.)
The other day she took my keys into her bedroom.
I asked her to go get them for me.
Then in a hushed whisphering voice she said, "The faries dis(d)appeared 'em."

She also told me this morning, "Mom you are my bestest friend and Sierra, but not Dad because he is a dude."

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