Wednesday, May 2, 2012


My sweet friend Lily needed poop for her garden.
My sweet friend K has a lot of poop on her farm.
In the spirit of neighborly love they delivered the poop and put it in her garden.
Sierra was so excited. She got to ride the tractor down the main road from the farm to Lily's house. She also got to remove the bailing twine from the poop piles. (There may or may not be a farmer who K gets poop from who leaves the bailing twine on the hay for the cow to ingest and poop out. I know. It had to be removed because when they till the garden it will get caught in the tilling blades.)
My daughter who is always eager to get dirty, dug in the poop for the bailing twine.
She loved it.

This was my favorite part of the day.
Watching these little ones playing.
Seeing them in the irragation collecting skeeters in paper cups and put them in buckets.
Digging in poop until their little nails were black.
Messing up their hair until it was unruly and knotted.
Splashing in every puddle or creek they saw.
Talking about plants and bugs.
Working hard but not feeling it because it was so much fun.
Coming home so filthy I had to tell them to strip down in the washroom and run to bathroom for a nice cool bath.
Where they were splashing so hard there was an inch of water on the floor.
Listening as their little imaginations run wild as they talked on and on about how it was the bestest day of their life.
(Madison and I drove the tractor back to the farm. You know that person crusine on a tractor at about five miles an hour infront of  you on a country road. Yep, that was me.  Madison and I were singing and giggling the whole time.)
I know.... what would we do without Sister K and her farm?

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