Thursday, February 7, 2013


 This is why I call him the grumpy old troll.
 This is why I love every ounce of him and he gets away with wanting to be held every minute.
 I finally did chore charts and have been giving the girls a quarter for completing their chores.
It is only a quarter a day but it motivates them.
Sierra has been complaining a lot but does it.
I guess that is the price I get to pay for waiting till she is 7 1/2 to impliment a real chore system.
Don't get me wrong she and her sister have done chores but it has been disorganized and inconsistent.
They only have had to clean their room when it gets so messy I can't stand it.
They have chipped in one day a week to help me clean the whole house.
They have folded laundry on occassion.
They have chipped in on the kitchen maybe a couple times a week.
After listening to this talk by Elder Perry at conference in October I was plagued by this quote,
"Fifth, we can organize our families based on clear, simple family rules and expectations, wholesome family traditions and rituals, and “family economics,” where children have household responsibilities and can earn allowances so that they can learn to budget, save, and pay tithing on the money they earn."
I have meant to do something.
I have had good intentions.
My sister finally motivated me to listen.
She implimented a chores system from her oldest to her youngest child.
She said, "Lisa, I don't mean to discount all the spiritual things we do like pray and read the scriptures with our children. I know those things are important but nothing has brought the Spirit into our home more than this."
Her words rang true.
She has called and said, "I have so much more time. I feel so less stressed. I can enjoy my children by focusing more on reading to them and just being with them instead of always concerning myself with the house."
Finally, after several weeks of her encouraging me, I did it.
I have to say, she was right.
I have felt more patient with my girls.
I felt less overwhelmed.
I have felt more grateful to be a mother.
I have even nagged my sweet husband less.
Truly something so simple, yet something so life changing.
I am not saying it has been easy, but so, so worth it.
(I just created a chore list with a check box and got some dry erase markers.
My sister sent me hers and I motified them for my girls
If you want a copy let me know and I will send you one.
Thanks Sister.)

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