Friday, February 22, 2013


 She played in the mud all day yesterday.
She squished her toes in it. 
She invited her friend Alex to do the same but he wouldn't.
It was too gross.
However, he helped her make several containers filled with mud potion.
They thought it would grow critters and became very excited when they saw an ant clawing its way out of the mud.
She changed her outfit three time because I wouldn't let her back in the house covered in mud.
However, she managed to sneak by me a few times.
So, few distracted minutes resulted in muddy footprints all through my house.
I can't tell you how much mud there was.
I was thankful for my Hover Floormate.
It didn't take long to clean up, but it sure looked like we lived in a barn for a few minutes.

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