Friday, February 15, 2013



 Well, they say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
Truer words were never spoken about Nate.
He loves good food.
Good food has been seriously lacking since the ward stopped bringing us meals two weeks ago.
I have thrown together whatever I can, but I hasn't been much.
I thought certainly for Valentine's Day I can go all out.
I went to the store and picked up some things.
I came home and cleaned my kitchen, because I couldn't cook in the mess.
Then I started dinner.
About half way through I thought, "What made me think I was ready for this."
I enjoy cooking, but James screamed most of the time.
Thankfully, Sierra rocked him and changed his diaper and took care of him for me, or we would have never eaten.
I kept accidentally turning off the oven.
I know, right, who does that?
Apparently me.
After the third time you would think I would have stopped, but no.
Eventually everything got cooked and Nate came home.
He got me flowers.
We had a nice dinner.
My girls dressed up like princesses.
I love my little family.
Isn't that little boy so cute?
Man, I love him.
I guess this is about Valentine's Day...
So, I have to say...
I love his father too.
I am so blessed to have an eternal love.
He truly means everything to me.
I wish he would let me take his picture...
He was so handsome last night.
Maybe someday he won't be so camera shy.

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