Monday, March 11, 2013


 We don't have many toys for boys.
Sierra got these dinosaurs from my sweet friend, Tanja, when she was obsessed with Dinosaurs as a toddler.
Sierra thought James would like them.
He does.
Especially when you march them around and make roaring noises.
He is feeling better today.
I even got him to take a nap out of arms this evening.
I was so happy.
It has been a hard few days.
He was so filled with mucus.
He just wanted to be held.
I haven't gotten anything done and Madison has had very little attention.
She gorged on electronics today, games and videos.
I finally unplugged everything in the house and told her it was all broken.
She believed me and played with her cat and built a massive muddy river in the backyard.
I am not friends with the cat or mud.
I have to say I almost regretted unplugging everything. Almost.
I did have to lecture myself on the fact that having the cat around and cleaning up mud was worth my daughter using her creative mind and not being plugged in.
I am grateful for her imagination. I truly am.

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