Saturday, March 9, 2013


 James is sick.
He has a cold.
He is filled with mucus.
My perfect sleeper has turned into a not so perfect sleeper.
Two mornings ago he was choking so hard on mucus and refluxing at the same time that he was gasping for air.
It was happening over and over again, then a short break and then he would do it again.
I was panicky and shaky and I didn't know what to do.
I took him over to our Pediatrician.
She said he would be fine.
I felt dismissed.
I was sure he is going to be fine but only I and my friend Shawna saw him gasping for air.
It was scarey.
Only one other time in the history of motherhood have I taken my child to the doctor because they were sick, and that is not because they haven't been sick. 
If she knew me, and my adversion to doctors, she would have realized it was serious or maybe not, because he is fine.
I have never seen a child gasp for air like that and I thought he was going to stop breathing.
Anyway, with no clear direction I reverted to my mother's methods.
We have built a tent in the kitchen and filled it with steam and vaporizing liquid.
Rubbed him down in Breathe.
And rocked him.
He is breathing better.
Hopefully he will be better soon.

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