Wednesday, March 16, 2016


Yesterday, I finally washed my front windows. I have been wanting to for months, ever since we moved in. We have an amazing view from the front of our house and I have hardly wanted to open the drapes because it reminds me I still haven't washed the windows. Nate bought me a squeegee and I went to town yesterday. it was easier than I expected.
I bought a hammock for my birthday and the boys were playing in it while I was washing the windows. I went in the house for a second to put the screens back in the window. I had just pulled up the first screen when James ran in giggling. He said, "Ashton is in the road." I jumped out the window and ran. There are three roads that surround our property. My soul knew it was the wrong road. He was in the middle of the main road where people barrel their vehicles down it at fifty miles an hour. All the gates was latched close when I went in the house but the wind had caught the latch just right and pushed it open. Ashton had escaped. I hit Ashton seconds before a large truck came speeding down the hill. I hugged him. I brought him inside and buckled him in his high chair. I gave him a snack and shook for a good hour. I almost lost my baby.
I am so grateful James came in to tell me instead of going after his brother, which surly would have pushed him further into the road. I am so grateful I knew to run. I am so grateful Ashton nor the truck were two seconds faster. Life could be very different today than it was yesterday but we woke up the same as every other day and got the girls off to school and then the boys and I played for an hour on the floor. I listen to my baby giggle and then I tucked him into bed. He is napping now and I can hear him breathing and I am so grateful.
I have been reflecting on why we have scary moments like this...
Empathy, everyone turns away for a second, no one can or should stare at their babies all day every day. We are just blessed that in our moments nothing tragic happened.
Gratitude, to know every day we spend together is a gift.
Faith, we come to know that our Father-in-Heaven is in charge. Ashton is alive because it wasn't his time to go home. I am grateful. I hope that just as I know their were several miracles that saved him yesterday, that those same miracles could have taken him from me, so I too need to trust my Heavenly Father if I ever have to face such a day.
But today I am just grateful to hold my baby for one more day. 

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