Friday, November 22, 2019


He wouldn't stop fussing, so I told Madison to go and make brownies with him. He loved every minute of it. Madison said, "That was hard making good brownies with Logan." I said, "Yes, I know. However, I didn't here you once get frustrated with him, which means you are going to be a great mom, and that is more important than good brownies." Her brownies turned out really good, as good as if I made them. 
James begged me to go outside and throw a football with him. Confession, I have always thought of James as my thoughtful kid and Ashton as my tough kid. I have always thought Ashton would go far in sports because of it. I have never thought of James as a kid that would ever do sports. I guess I shouldn't put my kids in boxes. James blew my mind at how good he is at throwing a football. He caught every football I threw. I was giggling. Ashton couldn't throw the ball to save his life. He is younger. 
James kept giving him these great tips.
Put the ball next to your ear.
Make the ball spin.
Point the hand you aren't using to throw to where you want the ball to go.
His dad has never thrown a football with him. I remember throwing a football with him in his bedroom while I was pregnant with Logan, a few times. He was good back then. He has gotten better. We don't watch sports. We aren't sport people.
When I asked him how he learned to throw a football he said, "I was watching a football game at grandpa's house and I remember how they threw the ball."

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